

Happy May everyone! I hope that it's starting out bright and sunny for you. I had a little mini-craftcation this past week and was able to finish some longstanding WIP's. Just have to block and take some pics. The weather has been sunny and warm so we've been hanging out at one of our favorite local beaches, Matapeake Beach, which is free and opened to the public. Care to take a peak?

this is the fabulous clubhouse

here's the view of the Chesapeake Bay heading towards the beach

and here's my new blanket obsession & constant beach knitting companion

Now I know why these scrappy sock mitered square blankets are all the rage. They are totally addictive and fun to knit on! It's also nice to have an easy, relaxing and long-term project on the needles to pick up when the mood strikes. This weekend is Maryland Sheep and Wool which I'm bummed to have to miss. I had to work yesterday and we have last minute out of town guests coming today. On the bright side, I'll have more time to knit on my new blanket :) Have a great Sunday!


  1. I love using up all my bits of yarn, they are all just so pretty together! -Sierra

  2. i do love those mitered blankets!!! (I've got another one going, too!!!)
    Beach? hot, crowded, money-eating-market? I think you made the right choice!

  3. Anonymous5/08/2017

    What a great looking place. I like the feeling of being able to roam about while inhaling fresh, salty air. Will you eventually join the squares?

    1. One of the best parts of this blanket is that the squares are knitted in as you go! So the only finishing required is weaving in the ends. I will also probably knit some kind of border too.

  4. Craftcation sounds divine. Matapeake beach looks like a fabulous place to have one!

  5. Lovely blanket to work on at the beach! It's going to be so gorgeous and happy!!

  6. A mini craftcation sounds so dreamy!! And look at those lovely photos. I really like your scrappy blanket!

  7. What a bright and colorful post! I've thinking of casting on this blanket, but I am afraid it'd be too addictive and I won't finish anything else :)

  8. beautiful work well done...


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