
knit.where outfit #13

Target belt & bird shirt, Banana Republic shorts, Old Navy flip-flops

Can you find the "knit" in my knit.where outfit? Here's a hint:

Cabled flip-flops...because I don't want summer to end just yet. But autumn is closing in, along with dreams of comfy cabled sweaters.

These were fun to make. And inexpensive. The flip-flops were 2 pairs for $3.00. It is amazing what a little bit of yarn can do!

(linking up with FO Friday)

summer's end

Building a cruise ship with daddy

Love this purple house (also love the yarn store next to it)

A cupcake shop

Chance of Showers cardigan...makes for great beach knitting

Last week, we celebrated the little guy's eighth birthday with a trip to the ocean. His grandma L. also came down for her annual summer visit. Lots of beach knitting and visits to some local hidden gems here on the eastern shore. The week seemed to have flown by! The end of summer has caught us all by surprise and now it is back to school time for the little guy. He started third grade on Monday at the big kid's elementary school and I was a little worried about how he would adjust to his new environment. He seems to be dealing with the change better than his worry wart mama, thank goodness. On the knitting front, I am still working away on the Chance of Showers cardigan. I just have the lower lace edging and collar to finish. The creamy white cables in the last picture was a spur of the moment idea that just popped into my head. It will be my farewell to summer project, so check back on Friday to see what it is!

(linking up with WIP Wednesday)



What do you call someone who cuts her hand one day, then turns around and cuts the other hand the next day? Yup, Klutz with a capital K. So knitting is on temporary hold for a few days. On the bright side, the Chance of Showers cardigan is moving right along. It is so comforting to work on a project that is similar enough to a previous project (my Vitamin D cardigan) that my mind is on automatic mode while knitting it. And yes, it is so nice to not have any doubts as to the wearability of the finished project (ahem, I'm looking at you, Hekla). Hopefully the progress on this one will continue to speed along so that I can get started on some warm & woolly sweaters. There are soooo many patterns out there right now that I want to knit! Feeling a case of sweater fever coming on. Even though we are already into August and I have yet to finish one sweater this year. Going to shoot for five by the end of December. Hmmm, maybe I should make the hubby chop all the veggies from now on.

(linking up with WIP Wednesday)


knit.where outfit #12

Serendipity Shawl, Old Navy blouse, Banana Republic tank & shorts, AE shoes

We have had a string of beautiful days so far this August. The skies are sunny and blue with puffy clouds and no humidity. I am very much enjoying all the brilliant summer colors, which have even made their way into my outfit today. Blue & yellow & orange & purple. Yummy yummy colors.