What do you call someone who cuts her hand one day, then turns around and cuts the other hand the next day? Yup, Klutz with a capital K. So knitting is on temporary hold for a few days. On the bright side, the
Chance of Showers cardigan is moving right along. It is so comforting to work on a project that is similar enough to a previous project (my
Vitamin D cardigan) that my mind is on automatic mode while knitting it. And yes, it is so nice to not have any doubts as to the wearability of the finished project (ahem, I'm looking at you,
Hekla). Hopefully the progress on this one will continue to speed along so that I can get started on some warm & woolly sweaters. There are soooo many patterns out there right now that I want to knit! Feeling a case of sweater fever coming on. Even though we are already into August and I have yet to finish one sweater this year. Going to shoot for five by the end of December. Hmmm, maybe I should make the hubby chop all the veggies from now on.
(linking up with
WIP Wednesday)