
Sofitel's Second FO

Over the past year, I have been teaching my two nieces (ages 9 and 11) how to knit and crochet with mixed results. Although Bleach (the older one) is extremely artistic and loves to draw, she is also completely enamored of her various electronic gadgets and has a hard time being unplugged from them. So asking her to sit for short periods of time with a ball of yarn and 2 sticks was like sending her back into the Stone Age. I had more success with my niece Sofitel. Now there's a girl after my own yarn loving heart! After her very first crochet lesson, she created her own ball of crocheted art yarn which I knitted up into a bag for her. We then moved onto knitting lessons which resulted in her first FO, a garter stitch scarf for her mom. She was so very proud of that scarf! She then asked me if I could buy her some yarn for her next project, a knitted purse. I, of course, said yes! and even offered to look on ravelry for some patterns for her. Well, the yarn was happily accepted, but she said that she would come up with her own pattern for the purse. Can you believe it?!! So here I present to you Sofitel's Knit on the Fly Purse. It makes this knitting aunt proud every time I look at it.
(On the needles is her WIP, a coaster knitted out of some more crocheted yarn she made)


  1. Anonymous12/06/2010

    Having a niece who is already designing her own patterns!!? You must be proud! I think you should keep trying with your older niece. I've discovered that once you get plugged in too much it's hard to get unplugged, but necessary! Knitting is my way of doing that!

  2. Wow! That's about all i can really say....wow! She's so talented!!


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